Mexican Munchies, Part 1

My first meal in Mexico was late-night room service at the Hilton Guadalajara, where we stayed for work. I ordered what the menu said was a traditional soup, with chicken, rice, veggies, chickpeas and avocado. It was delicious and even better, because it arrived more than 20 minutes after I ordered, it was free!

Surprisingly, the restaurants in the Hilton weren't that expensive by US standards, though of course you could buy food much more cheaply elsewhere. One night we ordered guacamole and an appetizer platter to share. The thick round tortillas(?) topped with beans, tomato sauce and cheese/potato were quite interesting. 

We also tried the tortilla soup, which was assembled right in front of us. They brought the bowl full of cheese, avocado and tortilla pieces, then poured the creamy broth on top. Although it was different than I remembered, I enjoyed it very much.

There were a couple of restaurants inside the Guadalajara convention center: a taco place, a frozen yogurt place and of course a Starbucks. I was excited to try the tacos, but I was surprised that they were pre-fried and then served with loose meat (plus optional beans and tomato sauce) on top. Messy and rather unhealthy, but good.

They also set up a food court area inside the convention center during the World Ophthalmology Congress. At one stand, I was able to get some more normal looking tacos in corn tortillas, which were very yummy. The set of 5 also came with a glass of horchata, which was good but too sweet to drink all of.

One night we went for dinner with the staff from the American Academy of Ophthalmology at a restaurant called La Tequila. In addition to some tequila and a bite of a grasshopper quesadilla (thankfully I could only taste the cheese), I had an amazing pepper stuffed with three cheeses and wrapped in puff pastry.


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