Coconut Banana Cream Pie

Since the pandemic began, I've been subscribed to The Washington Post  and have received various newsletters, which may or may not feature food and cooking. Earlier in the summer I read an article about no-bake pies, including a recipe for coconut cream pie.

My mom is a huge fan of traditional coconut cream pie, and I believe has made homemade versions before. My great aunt (my mom's aunt) was famous for her banana pudding, which of course is similar to banana cream pie.

So when we went to a dinner party and I offered to bring dessert, I thought a cream pie/pudding might be a nice summer treat. Because I like bananas as well as coconut, I decided to combine both flavors into one dessert.

The original coconut pie recipe I found included a chocolate crust. However, that seemed that a strange combination to me, so I made a graham cracker crust with digestive biscuits instead. Before pouring the pudding filling into the crust, I added a layer of sliced bananas.

Instead of regular whipped cream, I made coconut whipped cream, which was used in this Minimalist Baker pie recipe. Luckily, it didn't go runny at all like the last time I tried it (though I think it also sat at room temperature for some time then). So yummy!


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