Tea with J.K. Rowling

One day during our UK trip, we took the train up to Edinburgh. In fact, we met a friend who lives there, and she suggested having coffee/tea at The Elephant House, where J.K. Rowling began writing the Harry Potter books.

The café itself is just a normal coffee shop with a nice selection of food and drinks. I had chai tea, which was nice, though served as regular tea not latte-style like Starbucks. The decor is a bit Eastern/Indian in theme, per the name I guess. 

As any smart business would do, the café capitalizes on the Harry Potter fame by selling T-shirts, bags and other small souvenirs. And, apparently J.K. Rowling continues to stop by every now and then.

But, the most interesting part of the place is when you go to the bathroom. Everything is covered in crazy HP fan graffiti, even the toilet! However, I decided it was unnecessary for me to write anything ...


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