Cornbread Chili Pie

I've made quite a bit of pasta at home recently, just because David likes it and it's not something I eat out too often. However, I decided it was time to try something new.

I remembered that I had some cornmeal on the shelf, which inspired me to make cornbread. And what goes better with cornbread than chili (vegetarian of course).

Then, I thought about chicken pot pie, which is sometimes made with a biscuit topping, and I wondered if it were possible with cornbread. Thanks to a couple of recipes from Martha Stewart, I learned that it definitely is!

Overall, it turned out very tasty, too! I think my style of cornmeal, or perhaps the soy milk I used instead of buttermilk, made the batter quite runny, though it baked just fine in the end. I will definitely make this twist on classic comfort food again.


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