Coconut Tarts!

There are many styles of breakfast in Hong Kong. Some people might go for dim sum, which is the most traditional, but it is also too time consuming for weekdays. Others eat cereal, oatmeal or even congee.

Perhaps the most popular breakfast food, at least for working people, is something purchased from one of Hong Kong's numerous bakeries. You can buy both salty or sweet items, and even ready-made sandwiches.

I try to avoid bakery breakfasts for the most part, as they are not the most healthy option. However, last week I couldn't resist the coconut tarts inside the warming box at a bakery near my office. They are so delicious!

Basically, the outside is a buttery and flaky pie crust. The filling is coconut mixed with sugar and egg, I presume, and it has a consistency similar to coconut macaroon cookies. Some bakeries keep these tarts in the refrigerated section, but they are best when toasty warm!


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