Summertime Stuffed Zucchini

Whenever I cook pasta, I almost always make it a vegetarian dish. Because I love tomato sauce and tomatoes so much, I never even miss the meat. But, to make up for it anyway, I usually add extra veggies like carrots, mushrooms, eggplant or zucchini.

Recently, I tried a different spin on pasta with zucchini after reading an interesting recipe on Martha Stewart's website. Instead of chopping it and adding it to the tomato sauce, I made it the main part of the meal. 

First I halved and hollowed out one zucchini, and then filled each half with my homemade pasta sauce. I baked the stuffed zucchini for about 20 minutes before topping it with a breadcrumb-parmesan mixture and baking a few minutes more.

This made for a very tasty dinner, and I will definitely fix it again some time. And, as it is farmer's market and summer produce season at home, I highly recommend trying it with any surplus zucchini or squash.


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