Fluffernutter French Toast

In reading a Buzzfeed post about amazing desserts, I noticed a few baked goods that called for marshmallow creme, which made me really want to eat it. I'm not sure if it is available in Hong Kong, and if it is, I'm sure it's expensive.

So, I decided I would make my own, as it seemed like a fun experiment. Most of the recipes I found called for cooking the creme, like candy. However, this one is much simpler, just beating an egg white with corn syrup and adding powdered sugar.

I was a bit worried that it might not work without being cooked, but it actually turned out fine. And it tastes delicious! I know some people worry about uncooked egg whites, but I've eaten lots of raw cookie dough in my life already ...

Of course, I could've just eaten all the marshmallow creme by itself, but I figured that wasn't the best idea. Instead, I experimented with the 'fluffernutter' concept for an at-home brunch.

First, I made basic French toast with a bit of cinnamon and nutmeg in the egg mixture. Then I spread peanut butter on one piece of toast and marshmallow creme on the other, and put them together like a sandwich.

The end result was pretty tasty, though the sweetness of the marshmallow almost masks most of the peanut butter taste, which is a shame. Perhaps I'll make a plain fluffernutter next time, as thankfully I still have quite a bit of marshmallow creme left!


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