Bolivian Bites

Our first meal in Bolivia was probably the best. We ate outdoors on Sun Island, overlooking Lake Titicaca. It was a traditional-style lunch, with plantains, corn, potatoes, fava beans and dehydrated potatoes served wrapped up in a blanket. There were also hard-boiled eggs, fresh cheese, trout, chicken and wonderful vegetable fritters. It was a feast!

On our day trip to see pre-Incan ruins at Tiwanaku, we ate at another tourist restaurant. Again, the starter was lovely quinoa soup with vegetables, plus a little cheese sprinkled on top.

For my main course, I chose trout from Lake Titicaca once again, but this time it was fried. It was very good, although unexpected. The side dishes, however, were room temperature, as in Peru.

On our last day in Bolivia, we ate traditional 'sandwiches de chola,' which get their name from the skirts worn by the women who make them. They are made of roasted pork plus pickled onions and carrots, with optional hot sauce on the side. The sandwich was delicious, but the sauce was very spicy so I only used a little bit.


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