Pesto Presto

For my birthday, I got a combination food processor, electric whisk and hand blender with blending jug. The handle is the power source, and can be attached to the different devices depending on what you want to make. So cool!

To try it out, I decided to make pesto. First, I used the food processor to grind up all the ingredients, and then I switched to the hand blender when I added oil to make the sauce. It was pretty easy, and not really very time consuming either.

I modeled my pesto on this recipe, though of course it was a bit different. Pine nuts are very expensive here, so I used walnuts instead. I added some spinach leaves to the basil to make it go further, too. Plus I always buy canola oil, not olive oil.

Looking back, however, perhaps I didn't need to add so much spinach. We've eaten pesto for three meals already, and there is still more leftover. It is very yummy, though it tastes best when freshest.


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