Pumpkin Stew

With the change of seasons, I felt it was appropriate to make a dish with some fall produce, namely squash and/or pumpkin. Only in recent years have I begun to see pumpkin as a possible savory food, not just something used in pie or quick bread.

So, I found this Moroccan-inspired stew from The Food Network. I adapted it, of course, because my cooking philosophy is to use a recipe as a reference, rather than a bible. For instance, I used grape tomatoes rather than canned ones (because I had them on hand), and I left out the citrus elements and spinach because they weren't available at the grocery store tonight.

Additionally, I used a Chinese pumpkin instead of a butternut squash, again because of availability. In general, this family of food is more prominent here than at home, but the specific type on hand does vary. There are small, rounder pumpkins that are either orange or green. Then, there are elongated ones that resemble squash. I bought the latter (pictured below), and though it was a bit time consuming to prepare, worked very well in the dish.

I urge everyone reading to try cooking pumpkin in a main course dish. You won't regret it! And of course, it's healthy, too.

Autumn has finally arrived here in Hong Kong. Last week the temperatures dipped below 70 for the first time (or 20, if you prefer to use Celsius).


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